Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Drama Thoughts

If my ceiling were to collapse, my life would take a drastic turn for the worse. Think about it, everything would be crushed or covered in dust. If it were to land on my legs, chances are , they would have to be surgically removed for life. But what if they gave me robot legs. I would be a cyborg and I would then get recruited by the CIA to track down crazy people. The reason they would chose me is because my computer legs can run faster than them, thus allowing me to catch them. I love future. But what if my legs eventually turned on me. They would detach themselves, throw me in a ditch, and then would launch every nuke in the world and blow it to dust...ROOF COLLAPSE DUST...OH SWEET LOVE...


Anonymous said...

Why is that you and everything you represent is garbage?

LiamGrade2 said...

That is SCARY! Can I become cyborg too? But can I have cyborg arms so i can be stronger than the Hulk? He is green. I wrote you a poem. It is called Crumb Bun:

I like to eat my bedtyme snack.
Its usually a bun.
I wish it were a Dunkaroos Pack!

I eat my bun.
Crumb by crumb.
And then I sleep.
After I wake up the crumbs come out my...